8 Mart 2022 Salı



    Hello, beloved bloggers! It's a joy to kick off our first post, and I assure you it's just the beginning of an exciting journey together! Today, let's delve into the innovative realm of writing with a focus on Padlet – a fresh perspective that promises to reshape our approach to crafting content. Stay tuned for an exploration of this transformative tool and its potential to revolutionize the way we express ourselves. This is just the opening chapter of many more engaging discussions to come! 🚀 

    Padlet is a digital board where you can add contents such as images, links, videos, and documents, all collated on a “wall” that can be made public or private. It is easier to use; just sign in free and start to create your board! It both works on web and IOS platforms. 
    You can customize it as you wish, and you can put your lesson plan and schedule it on the board. You can add notes, videos, images, and many virtual materials you want to present to the lecture. By creating a board, you can ask your students for any ideas and discuss them in your classes. Moreover, you can share it with anyone you want! It is suitable for sharing on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
    You can make the students use their creativity by doing brainstorming. Before the lesson, students can share what they know about the subject, and at the end of the lesson, Padlet will be an effective tool to understand how much information they have acquired. By dividing the class into groups, each student in the group will be able to write their own ideas on board, and it will help you to make the lecture interactively. You can quickly collect your students' project ideas online. Thus, you save both time and space. It is the new way of classroom discussions!

   Here is the link of Padlet! Padlet

    Let’s see the example work made by mePadlet Board

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